2024 Prophecies – Meek Banda

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.


  1. There shall be strange teachings. People saying convincing things to denounce the name of Jesus. Fake Teachers will be telling people things that will mislead many by trying to remove Jesus from whatever they are trying to say to sweep the hearts of the weak.
  2. Many Christians shall fall. Many shall backslide due to the things of the world. Many shall hear false teachings, propaganda news, bad things about men of God, bad news about churches and leave churches.
  3. The fake church shall rise to deceive many. Pray against the church of compromise, the church that is not of Christ. The church that tries to please everyone but not God.
  4. Laws shall be passed and be changed to ban and attack the Body of Christ. Laws to restrict Christians from worshipping and congregating freely shall be put to destabilize the Church. Prayer should be made against these plans.
  5. There shall be a rise in the infighting of Churches. Men of God shall rise against each other. Let’s pray that these fights won’t go physical to the point of sending gunmen to some Churches. Saul tried to kill and stop Christians; he didn’t know it was the move of God.
  6. I saw a great general in the Kingdom of God dying in 2024. I also saw other mighty men leaving us to the glory of the Heavenly Father. Atleast two of the God’s Generals died in 2024. The second half of the year.
  7. South Africa should pray for the revival. I saw revival coming. It will be resisted, but it shall surely come in South Africa.


  1. Pakistan, look at fire, chaos, conflict, protests and infighting. Pakistan, pray against the resistance to the move of the Holy Spirit.
  2. I saw a fight; well, I should say a conflict between India and Pakistan. The cause is unknown, but I saw a fight.
  3. Zimbabwe shall begin to be restored. I saw a meeting to remove sanctions and trade restrictions from Zimbabwe. The hand of God is upon Zimbabwe. People might not see it, but it shall surely shock many with time passage.
  4. South African 2024 elections. Julius Malema shall win the elections, but the current government will not allow him to take over the presidential sit. So it was, according to the vision and the voice of the High Angel of God, the ANC Government shall be declared winners and continue to rule South Africa for the next term. Malema and his party should pray that the truth should come out, otherwise he won’t ascend to the presidential sit.
  5. Pray against chaos in South Africa. I saw chaos and people being killed in the streets of South Africa during the 2024 elections time. If you are not a South African citizen, stay home, pray and stay safe during the elections.
  6. High profile people will die in America. These are planned deaths, not natural ones. There are battles to be settled with guns. If guns fail, unnatural accidents will be used against these officials.
  7. Pray for the east coast of America. Water shall cover the east coast of America and claim lives.
  8. Russia shall attack America successfully. The Lord said to me “The Americans have forsaken me and have promoted evil to the whole world. Their hearts have forgotten who has made them successful. I shook them in 2011 and they came back to me, now they have forgotten who I am. Russia shall attack the Americans and take them by surprise. War is coming to America,” Says the Lord.
  9. Israel should remember the Lord their God and forsake the role of Christians around the globe. I saw soon or later; America shall betray Israel in trying to please everyone. A day is coming.
  10. Another war is coming to Israel. They are planning another attack on Israel.
  11. Malawi, I saw hunger and a continued rise of prices and goods. Unstable economy. Prayer should be made to people in authority.
  12. Canada; fire. Australia; fire. Brazil; fire. Too much fire. I am just seeing fire.
  13. Italy, America, Japan, Turkey I see a shaking. Too much shaking. Is this an earthquake or a landslide? I saw a devastating shaking.
  14. Russians should come to Christ and serve God, because there is an attack on their nation. Hard times for businesses, but God wants to restore his people setting aside the war.
  15. I see Indians fighting fellow Indians. I see fights within India. Prayer should be made. Pray against the spirit that fight Christians in India.
  16. Ethiopia should pray for peace. I saw protests and civil war in Ethiopia.
  17. France, look at the violence, chaos, protests claiming lives in 2024.
  18. Kenya, unrest and protests. I saw groups and political parties trying to cause unrest in the nation. Pray for the peace and unity among Kenyans. They will use ignorant people to cause havoc and demand President Ruto to step down. Pray for Kenya.
  19. Britain, America, Belgium and Canada; terrorist attacks. Pray against terrorist attacks.
  20. Zambia, pray against an economic attack on your nation. Pray for your imports and exports. Pray for your businesses.


  1. The adoption of the Internet of things shall rise. You shall see the beginning of the mark of the beast unfolding with evil but seemingly convincing technologies. People shall begin to trust in the scientific breakthroughs and curse God. It shall be a very trying time for the genuine believers. Pray for God’s Spirit to be with you.
  2. Visas, Passports, Bank Cards, Birth Certificates shall begin to be replaced with seemingly convincing but evil Chips that shall be implanted in people’s bodies. Pray not to be part of this.
  3. There shall be many evidences of the Anti-Christ in movies, social media, teachings, podcasts, government policies and all over the world. Do not be dismayed, Jesus already overcame. Be ready for the rupture.
  4. Technologies to take over the world will be launched in 2024. Technologies to bring back the legends. Even the babies shall try to speak. I know it doesn’t make sense, but just wait for time to pass.


  1. There is a new virus coming. Worse than the previous one. This virus shall claim many lives. This virus could make people weaker and weaker until they could not stand or work anymore. People were being weakened to the point that they were spending more time in bed than working. People could sleep anywhere and anyhow like there was something controlling them. Pray against the plans of the wicked.


  1. This is the death of an American musician. Pray for the life of Elton John to come to Christ.
  2. Look at dryness across the globe. There was a famine in 2024. Africans should invest a lot in Agriculture and put in place road network infrastructure. Famine, food shortage was in many countries.
  3. Nigerian musician, death in 2024
  4. I saw in Hollywood; People are coming out to proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I saw famous American Actors coming out to speak publicly about Jesus Christ without fear or shame. God is visiting Hollywood-starting 2024.
  5. America again; famous black movie actor dead.


  1. The economy will crash worldwide. I saw an economic crash.
  2. South African celebrities will continue to be replaced by the new ones. Many more will die and be replaced in 2024.
  3. There shall be fights in the United Nations. Countries will leave the United Nations because of the evil agenda the UN is representing.


  1. Rain will be withheld in many parts of the world during the farming season. And when it comes, it shall be very devastating.
  2. Fire is everywhere in Malawi. Burning things everywhere.
  3. Rain will be withheld in many parts of the world during the farming season. And when it comes, it shall be very devastating.
  4. There shall be a lot of sickness, accidents, violence and sudden death in South Africa in 2024. People should seek prayer and seek Jesus Christ. Look at the smoke of the fire in the air. Pray South Africa.
  5. Japan and the Far East, tremors and natural disasters shall claim many lives. Prayer should be made for Japan.
  6. Malawi, look at the mighty rushing waters over the nation destroying people’s property.
  7. United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Brasil, South Africa look at water allover. You can’t believe that there shall be water even in the deserts.
  8. South Africa, pray for your shores. I saw water claiming many lives in 2024 if prayer will not be made. Fires and collapsing Buildings shall claim lives. The nation should be on it’s knees for God.


  1. American elections; Donald Trump will win the elections. They will try to kill Trump, but their attempt will not prevail. I saw his opponents trying so hard to manipulate the results, but the hand of the Lord scattered their plans. They tried to kill him by a gun, but an Angel of the Lord was sent to protect him due to people’s prayers from the church. Trump won the 2024 elections. Let’s pray that the truth shall prevail in the American elections for Mr Trump to rule America once again.
  2. A lot of unrest and chaos in America in 2024 soon before the elections and even after. Civil unrest.
  3. The Prime Minister of Canada needs prayer to finish his term. Otherwise, there shall be tension to remove him as the leader of Canada in 2024. There shall be pressure from different groups for him to step down.
  4. Burkina Faso; no peace. Chaos and fights. People fighting for positions and land. Their leader needs prayer. I saw blood, I saw people riding against the leader, but they couldn’t prevail. Moles and rats in the system.
  5. Britain Prime Minister needs people’s prayer. Prayers should be made for his future because there a group of people that will try not to allow him to continue ruling Britain. I saw something happening quickly and he was being replaced.
  6. Nigeria, there is a terrorist attack coming. Prayer should be made for the lives of the innocent.
  7. People should pray for peace in the Western African region.
  8. Malawi, conflicts and chaos. Pray against conflicts in Malawi. I saw foreign nationals with an agenda. They collaborated with the locals by funding the indigenous people to destabilize the current government.
  9. King Charles of Britain’s health needs prayer. Many issues in his body. Pray that he should live long, otherwise death is roaming around the palace.
  10. President Vladmir Putin of Russia needs prayers for his protection, health and life. I saw death roaming around his house in 2024. If prayer is not made for President Putin, he will die in 2024.
  11. Donald Trump needs prayers for his health. Something has been bothering his body for some time now.


Deuteronomy 28:13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

2 Corinthians 1:20 For all the promises of God are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him, our “Amen” is spoken to the glory of God.

God is saying to the Holy church. You shall be the heads not the tails. You shall be blessed and be preserved from the plans of the wicked. You shall break records and experience my goodness with mind-blowing testimonies for the first time. So shall it be that when you shall see these things happening to you for the first time, you shall know that it is the Lord your God who has done it. There shall be record breaking testimonies in Jesus Christ name.


Romans 1: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Jesus Christ above all.


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