My Biography
Meek Banda is an International Prime-Preacher of the Word of God, Verified Man of God, Public Speaker, Book Author, Entrepreneur, Businessman, Spiritual Father, Accurate Preacher, Love and Marriage Counselor, Coach, Mentor, Ideologist, Investor, Charity Activist, Prophet and Prime-Minister of God’s Word. He is also a Pioneer of Phrase Holdings International Incorporated (PHI Inc.), Admel Nigo Corporation (ANICO International), Zareen Baig Consortium (ZABACO Ltd.), Word-Manna Television, Word-Manna Radio, Word-Manna Publication, Word-Manna Talent, Word-Manna Chat, Word-Manna Devotion, Word-Manna Institute, Meek Banda Foundation and Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International). A holder of High Qualifications in Business Management / Administration (ABE United Kingdom), Financial Accounting (PAEC / CCMA), Information Communication Technology (ICT -Cisco CCNA ), Biblical Studies, Political Economics and Prophetic School of Ministry.

Life Profile
The Verified Prime Prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ; called by God to take people and nations out of ignorance and demonic bondage. An accurate Advisor to nations across the globe. He is called as the end time Prophet to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and display the evidence of Jesus Christ to the lost. Meek Banda, the Dynamic, Accurate, Sound-Minded and Visionary Man of God behind the Masterminding of the mother Umbrella of different Church Divisions, Cell Groups and Branches under one coverage across the globe; Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International). He is also the Pioneer and Founder of Phrase Holdings International Incorporated (PHI Inc.), Admel Nigo Corporation (ANICO International) and Zareen Baig Corporation (ZABACO Ltd) across the globe. Born miraculously on the night of 1 April in the commercial city of Blantyre, Malawi – Central Africa; Meek is the last born in the family of eight siblings from the blessed union of Jameson Banda and Lizneth Makuluni Banda.
Meek Banda Ministry
Prophet Meek Banda got born again in August of 2013 under the Malawi Assemblies of God – Kawale Harvest Temple. He served under the late Apostle Stephen Banda of the Kawale Harvest Temple Assemblies of God Church for a year before meeting Pastor John Ezekiel Mulinde for further mentorship. In 2014 Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet and told him about his calling and the Global Ministry of Word-Manna in a vision. He spent over 72 days of dry fasting and prayer (eating at 8pm everyday) and then another 14 days and nights without food or water in preparation of the Ministry. It is Angel Gabriel who revealed about the direction of God upon his life. Prophet Meek Banda was ordained and released into ministry by his own biological mother; Mrs. L.B Banda in February 2016 by the laying on of hands. God has been confirming his authenticity to the world through accurate revelations, miracles, prophecies, soul winning, signs, wonders and many other ministerial activities. Prophet Meek has delivered alot of accurate individual and international prophecies about governments, tragedies, good things, world’s social economic issues and even political outcomes as God wills. Prophet Meek has managed to mentor and usher alot of Politicians, Entrepreneurs, Businessmen, Public Speakers and Startup Businesses. Prophet Meek has also managed to mentor and father alot of Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers in every continent across the globe; both under Word-Manna Church International and those running their own ministries. He is one of the most recognized Minister on the International Platform because of the accuracy of the gift of Teaching, Healing and the Prophetic. Many people across the globe rely, trust and depend on the accuracy of prophetic advise and direction that the Verified Prime Prophet gives. Prophet Meek has encountered and given the mind of God to Nations, Governmental Officials, Politicians, Celebrities, Businessmen, Investors, Churches, Men of God, Individuals and the body of Christ in General. He has stood and delivered accurate motivational business speeches in many podiums of every continent in the past 5 Years. Jesus Christ is Lord and He Has no vice. Prophet Meek Banda has been impacted alot by the life and Ministry of the late Reverend Apostle Stephen Banda, May His Soul Continue to Rest in Eternal Glory.
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My Partner Sites and Venture Links
Here is a list of all my Partner Sites and Venture Links of which I am the Founder and Pioneer. Ranging from Personal, Charity, Church and Business Ventures. Please click on the logo of your choice below to visit the website of your choice.